Panel discussion: developing solutions for loneliness in older people
Sue Cook , lecturer in social work , Plymouth University
Case study: applying the knowledge and skills statement for social workers in adult services
Anna Bouch , professional education consultant , South Coast Regional Centre for Social Work Education
Managing adoption breakdown
Elaine Dibben , adoption development consultant , CoramBAAF
Empowerment and recovery within adult social care
Steve Box , senior social worker , Essex County Council
Safe children and resilient families: transforming services to make the right difference at the right time
Sara Tough , executive director of children's services , Norfolk County Council
Supporting people with learning disabilities who develop dementia
Dr Karen Dodd , associate director, services for people with learning disabilities , Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Practice education: working with struggling students and in an anti-oppressive way
Jo Finch , reader in social work and deputy director , Centre for Social Work Research, University of East Sussex
Engaging safely and effectively with perpetrators of domestic abuse
Sara Kirkpatrick , services development manager , Respect
Breaking down barriers to effective child protection work
Miriam Williams , senior social worker , West Sussex County Council
Systemic approaches to social work leadership: driving organisational change
Dr Barbara McKay , director , the Institute of Family Therapy
Safeguarding 0-25 year olds with communication needs
Sarah Goff , development manager – safeguarding disabled children services , Ann Craft Trust
How to protect older people from scamming
Sean Olivier , safeguarding service manager, adult social care , Croydon Council
Promoting reflective practice: what practice educators and supervisors can do
Dr Jo Finch , reader in social work and deputy director , Centre for Social Work Research, University of East London
Identifying the mental health vulnerabilities of children in care
Martina Weilandt , clinical social worker , First Step
Round table: reflections on reflective practice
Gillian Buchannan , principal social worker , West Sussex County Council
Dealing with the unknown: applying research and theory to practice in cases of child sexual abuse
Anna Glinski , practice improvement advisor (social work) , Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
What a strengths-based approach means in practice
Carol Baxter , quality practice manager and strengths-based practice coach – adults and communities , London Borough of Barnet
Using safeguarding audits to protect vulnerable adults
Lisa Mathews , safeguarding services manager , London Borough of Tower Hamlets
The Highland difference: integrated social care that stops family crises early
Karen Ralston , area care and learning manager , Highland Council
Panel discussion: helping social workers manage emotional distress
Louise Grant , senior lecturer in social work , University of Bedfordshire
Panel discussion: helping social workers manage emotional distress 2
Dr Godfred Boahen , policy and research officer , British Association of Social Workers
Hopes, successes and sparkling moments: solution-focused practice and inviting change in families
Caron Durrance , social worker, DBIT reunification team , Essex County Council
Modern slavery: spotting the signs and taking appropriate action
Emilie Martin , operations manager for anti-trafficking and modern slavery operations service , The Salvation Army
Modern slavery: spotting the signs and taking appropriate action - EXTRA DOCUMENTS
Building a confident workforce for the National Assessment and Accreditation System
Monica Green , principal social worker , Barnsley Council
Making evidence count: the What Works Centre for Children's Social Care
Sir Alan Wood , founding chair , What Works Centre for Children's Social Care
#DoItYourWay with Somerset
Stephen Chandler , director of adult social services , Somerset County Council
Having difficult conversations with adults and their families in end-of-life care
JJ Nadicksbernd , national lead facilitator , Difficult Conversations
A practical tool to improve social work retention (invite only)
Community Care, London Borough of Merton and Lincolnshire County Council
Planning and managing the separation of infants from mothers at birth
Valerie Cannon , principal children and families social worker , Devon County Council