Dr Alice Loving, independent practitioner and trainer, and MA lecturer, University of Kent, Email: draliceloving@gmail.com, 09.45am, Green Room
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Ahmina Akhtar, Social Work England, Millie Kerr, Brighton & Hove City Council, Shantel Thomas, British Association of Social Workers, Email: enquiries@socialworkengland.org.uk, 11.30am, Green Room
Laura Clements, Annelies Henshall and Delia Mann, Oxfordshire County Council, Email: sushma.rao@oxfordshire.gov.uk, 1.00pm, Green Room
Laura Hanbury, practice researcher and clincian , Email: ljhanbury@outlook.com , 3.30pm, Green Room
Paul Shallcross and Richard Sprott, Somerset County Council, Email: scollardbaker@somerset.gov.uk, 09.45am, Yellow Room
Stephany Carolan and Amber James, Hampshire County Council, Email: Stephany.carolan@hants.gov.uk, 11.30am, Yellow Room
Craig Chalmers and Andrew Smith, Norfolk County Council, Email: alastair.corrigan@norfolk.gov.uk, 1.00pm, Yellow Room
Kerie Anne, Gill Archer, Kelly Hannah-Rogers and Kim Sunley, UNISON, Email: healthandsafetyunit@unison.co.uk; g.archer@unison.co.uk; K.hannah-rogers@unison.co.uk, 2.15pm, Yellow Room
Paul Finon, Hayley Griffin and Phil Watson, Norfolk County Council , Email: Paul.finon@norfolk.gov.uk; Phil.watson@norfolk.gov.uk , 3.30pm, Yellow Room
Alison Duguid and Becky Lowes, Essex County Council, Email: Alison.Duiguid@essex.gov.uk; Rebecca.lowes@essex.gov.uk, 09.45am, Essex Theatre
Dr Claire Bates, University of Kent, Email: Claire.bates@choicesupport.org.uk , 11.30am, Essex Theatre
Amy Harries, Zoe Houchin, Jessica Knight, Sian Tokeley and Calum Whiter, Essex County Council, Email: Amy.Harries@essex.gov.uk; Zoe.Houchin@essex.gov.uk; Jessica.kinight@essex.gov.uk; Sian.Tokeley@essex.gov.uk; Calum.whiter@essex.gov.uk, 3.30pm, Essex Theatre
Dr Natasha Sabin, Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse, Email: info@csacentre.org.uk , 2.15pm, Essex Theatre