Creating and sustaining an anti-racist culture in social work

10/9/2024 09:45 - 10:45

Local authorities, social care providers and academics across the country are exploring ways to first create an anti-racist culture in social work organisations, and then to sustain this culture. How do we promote equality and diversity and tackle discrimination and racism in all aspects of social work? Leading experts in anti-racist practice will discuss the keys to success and how anti-racist culture can be embedded into day-to-day social work.

CHAIR: Millie Kerr, strategic anti-racist lead - business improvement, Brighton & Hove City Council

Professor Kish Bhatti-Sinclair, professor of social work and social policy, University of Chichester

Vivian Okeze-Tirado, head of social work and equality, diversity and inclusion training, VOT Training and Consultancy

Pam Shodeinde, advanced social work practitioner and founding member of the BASW BPS (Black Professional Symposium)