Dementia care: latest insights from research

10/10/2023 09:45 - 10:45

Research can help us to understand and improve social care practice. In this workshop, hear about two of the latest research projects into dementia care and what they could mean for your delivery of dementia care.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn about how a new guide can help people find information and available supports at the right time after a diagnosis of dementia.
  • Understand what new research says about dementia carers assessments work and how they might be improved.
  • Overall, gain insights into what and how research into dementia care is being carried out, including co-design approaches, and how research can help inform dementia practice

Workshop hosted by

Professor Martin Knapp, Director, NIHR School for Social Care Research

Professor Jane Wilcock, UCL

Dr Paul Clarkson, specialist social care academic and researcher, University of Manchester