The full details of the 2025 legal learning sessions will be added here in due course.
Please see below for details of the 2024 sessions:
Tuesday 8th October 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AMAdults
Hoarding, covert medication and capacity lawThis session will look at difficult challenges for professionals working with adults with mental capacity issues who have become hoarders or where they refuse to take essential medication and judges order they must be secretly medicated. Senior lawyer Mike O’Brien KC will look at some recent cases, including ones where he was involved, where the courts have intervened - in sometimes draconian ways - to force people to change the way they live.
There is a fee to attend this Legal Learning Session at Community Care Live.
Rt Hon Mike O'Brien KC, senior barrister practising in the Court of Protection
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
The Care Act 2024, Mental Health Act 1983 and asylum seekers with additional supportThis session is designed to identify the legal framework for the provision of care and support to adult asylum seekers and their families, and those in immigration detention and on bail, in the UK. It will identify the duties owed by the Secretary of State for the Home Office and precisely identify the legal framework when other public bodies are responsible for the care of asylum seekers beyond that which the Home Office can provide. This session will briefly consider the impact of the Illegal Migration Act and Rwanda Safety Act on asylum support. It will also identify pathways and problems for asylum seekers when status is granted.
Attend this session to:
• Get an update on present law
• Have a clear understanding of the interaction of community law for asylum seekers
• Identify future legal issue and challenges for care and support for asylum seekers
There is a fee to attend this Legal Learning Session at Community Care Live.
Tim Baldwin, barrister, Garden Court Chambers
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Competence, capacity or parental responsibility? A guide to all three for those working with young peopleThis session aims to assist those working with dilemmas of practice with young people when voices need to be heard, parents have a view and the law might sound confusing. It will re-visit basic principles alongside helpful case law and is designed to provide explanations and give confidence to practitioners when the three concepts appear to collide.
Attend this session to:
• Be clearer on the three concepts of competence, capacity and parental responsibility
• Explore relevant definitions and case law
• Understand how to apply the concepts within your day-to-day practice and explain them to others
There is a fee to attend this Legal Learning Session at Community Care Live.
Kellie Salter, family law barrister, 3PB Barristers