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Relentlessly restorative relationships: how we are working together with children and families

08 Oct 2024
Insights theatre
Children and Families
Cafcass welcome you to a learning event on relationship-based practice, exploring how we are working with children and families to build relationships and work collaboratively to provide all children with an exceptional experience of their engagement with us. The session will be facilitated by our principal social worker, Dawn Goodwin. Our keynote speaker, Mark Finnis, expert in restorative practice, will share why the building of relationships and working in a relentlessly restorative way is key in achieving the best outcomes for children. You will hear directly from social workers about how they are using restorative, relationship and strengths-based practice to engage with children and their parents in both public and private law proceedings. They will share examples of how they have supported children during their proceedings which highlights the value and impact of this approach for children. You will also hear from Barry Tilzey, assistant director for Cafcass’ National Improvement Service, about the difference our practice framework, Together with Children and Families, is making in the work we do, contributing to Cafcass’ ambition of giving every child an exceptional experience of Cafcass, everywhere, every time. Objectives: Consider how relationship and strengths-based practice can support engagement with children and young people. Understand what it means to work restoratively with children and families, and to hear examples of what this looks like in practice.
Sharon Batchelor, family court advisor
Mark Finnis, director
Dawn Goodwin, assistant director - principal social worker
Barry Tilzey, assistant director for performance and quality assurance
John Traynor, family court advisor

Event Partner

Essex County Council Logo


  • The event was exceptionally well-organised, with a clear structure that made it easy to follow. The sessions were insightful, offering valuable perspectives and practical knowledge that I can apply in my professional role.
  • The day was powerful, with a positive impact on my learning and practice.
  • It was just what I needed, a chance to network, reflect and learn with colleagues from across the profession
  • Great variety of learning available both in presentations, theatre and guided conversations all relevant to my own working experience.
  • My experience was incredibly positive and far exceeded my expectations. I found myself enjoying the event much more than I anticipated.”
  • A great chance to share the joy of social work with new and familiar colleagues
  • It opened my mind to the different career paths and also the diverse ways in using the strengths approach in Social Work
  • Very glad I have finally had the opportunity to attend such an insightful day.

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