Every interaction is an intervention: early help for adults in Essex
09 Oct 2024
Essex Theatre
In this workshop, two early help teams in Essex adult social care will talk about practice approaches which place the relationship at the heart of the intervention. We will share real case studies and examples of creative, innovative direct work in practice with people with mild learning disabilities and adults who present with needs relating to mental health and autism. Learning objectives: Gain a greater understanding of how relational direct work supports adults into recovery, and how a trauma-informed lens supports compassionate work with adults Show how meeting the adult at the place they want to meet - both metaphorically and physically - supports person-centred, individualised support Raise awareness of how a multi-disciplinary approach in early intervention support for autistic people and their carers can improve outcomes and quality of life, and reduce dependency on adult social care services Increase understanding of how solution-focused interventions can enable autistic people and their carers to build confidence in identifying and using their strengths and abilities